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In 2010 a set of institutions of Yousef Mohammad Al-Briek Al-Dossary group turned into a holding Under Name of Yousef M. Al-Dossary & Sons Holding Group Co. owns and operates a range of activities of multinational corporations Contracting - Real Estate - Real Estate Development - Manufacturing - Trading - oil services - restaurant & cafe shops  and

telecommunication services and  so on .

The group Depends on the most efficient national human resources and also different nationalities and provides them with the best working environment of training and development of permanent and take attention over their human manpower.

Was also established a comprehensive internal system of the group at the highest level and in line with corporate systems matches with Saudi Arabia companies system and global work and workers systems in Saudi Arabia. The Group uses the latest technology in its work and programs in production, accounting systems, regulatory, administrative, and other stores.

Group Members

Al Dossary Real Estate Investment Company LTD.

Address : Dammam, KSA
Phone: +966 3 833 3555
Fax: +966 3 832 4788
E-mail: info@ymd-inv.com
Website: www.ymd-inv.com
Al Sharq Polystyrene Factory

Address : Abu Hadriyah Road
Dammam, KSA
Phone: +966 3 837 7766
Fax: +966 3 837 7711
E-mail: info@stayromax.com
Website: www.stayromax.com

Al-Banjer Plastic Factory

Address : 2nd Industrial Zone
Dammam, KSA
Phone: +966 3 812 1290
Fax: +966 3 812 3651
E-mail: info@banjer.com.sa
Website: www.banjer.com.sa
Anjad Plastic Factory

Address : 2nd Industrial Zone
Dammam, KSA
Phone: +966 3 812 2109,
+966 3 812 1418
Fax: +966 3 812 3651
E-mail: info@anjad-aldossary.com
Website: www.anjad-aldossary.com

Al-Dossary Transportion Co.

Address : Abu Hadriyah Road
Dammam, KSA
E-mail: info@aldossary-group.com
Website: www.aldossary-group.com
Saudi Koon For Petroleum Services LTD

Address : Dammam, KSA
E-mail: info@aldossary-group.com
Website: www.aldossary-group.com
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